It has been a very difficult months for me. There is a lot going on right now and though I'm not yet ready to talk about it yet, I feel the need to at least address that I'm not at my best. I've found it difficult recently to enjoy myself lately and make time do things that I like to do. But I've taken a good hard look at myself and decided that I'm not going to let these negativity take me over and stop me from being happy. Nope. Though I have a lot happening, I'm not going to let it stop me from being optimistic and happy. I need to learn when to stop and take some time for my own well-being. I want to re-realise what makes me happy and take time to enjoy it and appreciate it. So to start myself off, I thought I'd make a list of all the things that have made me happy this month, no matter how rubbish it's been. (Like my 'happy things' post, but with a new name to revamp things and start fresh.)
- The sun is out - If there's something I will ALWAYS appreciate, it's good weather. I really love a beautiful sunny day and I am not one to complain if it's too hot. I love being outside, enjoying food, company and nature. Good weather makes for a happy Cat and I will take all the good weather I can have right now. On Saturday John and I went to a pub we hadn't been to for ages. It's not our favourite but I can tell you it has the most stunning outdoor area. We enjoyed the warm weather, drank an ice cold diet coke and fed the cutest ducks. That was a happy afternoon.
- Writing - Throughout May, I've written a lot. I like writing, even if it's just been notes for something I'm listening to, blog post ideas (to try and get myself back in the game) or even some entries in my new diary. I always enjoy writing and I've always been told I have pretty handwriting, so I appreciate how my writing looks. It's therapeutic for me to write. It relaxes me and I've been thinking about how I could enjoy it on another level. I already practise my calligraphy in my bullet journal but I think I want to practise in some other way. Maybe I'll start creating calligraphy art pieces... What do you think?
- Bounce - I started attending Bounce classes about 5 weeks ago and I've been going every week since. I've never ever been to a class before and I didn't expect to be a regular attendee or to even enjoy it. If I'm being totally honest, I hate exercise and I always hated the idea of a class but I pushed myself to go and honestly? This class has been the most fun thing I've done in a while. It's been my one place to run off to for an hour (by myself) and just have some care free fun that will benefit me in the long run. I really enjoy it and I think I've been getting better at it every time I've gone. I even got excited when the instructor said there'd be new music next week! I can't wait and I think this is a class I'll continue to attend for a while!
- The colour yellow - Even on a rubbish day, wearing yellow has made me just that little bit happier. Yellow is really in this summer but I grew an attachment to this colour long before the trend. I bought my bullet journal in yellow about this time last year and ever since, my love for yellow has only increased. I want all the yellow dresses, shoes and accessories. I want yellow decor for my house and everything. I don't know what it is about the colour but it has been what I wear when I'm not feeling good, to perk me up and make my day that little bit better. Do you have a colour that does that for you? Between 2016 to mid 2017 it was blue for me. I think I was inspired by Santorini. I wonder what inspired the yellow...
- John - If there's anyone or anything I need to show 110% appreciation for, it's my best friend and boyfriend, John. If not for John I'd be a big mess right now and I think I need to give him a whole lot of credit and appreciation for keeping me together. Throughout the last few months, he's been my rock and kept me smiling even when I thought I couldn't. He reminds me of what I'm capable of and builds my confidence. He also reminds me that we're starting a new journey together buying our first home and that things won't be tough much longer because it can only get better. He's right too. He keeps my spirits up and motivates me to get through. It's been amazing knowing in that just a few short months we'll be living together but it's also been unfortunate that it's been tough over the last few months in the run-up to moving. I can only thank him for all the things he's done and I can't wait to have things start to look up and start our new life together.
This was such a lovely post! You're definitely allowed to feel a bit lost at time but you're 100% right that we need to remind ourselves of everything that is great as well X