When I was told about all the things Lip Glam does by the guys at Lip Glam themselves I didn't really know whether to believe it. So when they gave me a tube of the stuff to try, I was intrigued to see how I would get on with it myself.
The lip balm consists of just two ingredients: Pure Grade Lanolin Oil and Argan Oil and already claims to work as a lip balm, cuticle ointment, split end soother, lip and mascara primer, eyebrow balm, rash soother, and a reliever of dry skin. Really? Really.
Because I can't test ALL of these out I decided to test it out for the things I would use it for and that would be a lip balm, cuticle ointment, and mascara primer.
As a lip balm: I found this really moisturising on my lips. I've recently had some dry skin on my lips and some cracking and it's definitely soothed my lips and brought them back to full health! I also love that this product is 100% natural, because then I know exactly what's going on my lips without a doubt! It's also not sticky and it's not oily though being an oil based product. Perfect for those who really can't stand a sticky and oily lip like me!
As a cuticle ointment: I felt instant relief as I'm probably the worst when it comes to my cuticles and the skin around my nails. I suffer from quite dry skin around my nails in general but I'm the worst when it comes to moisturising them. I go through phases of being good but I can't quite stick to it. Using Lip Glam on that breaking and cracking skin and on my cuticles has not only soothed and moisturised that dry skin, but it has softened that skin too and repaired the skin on my nail beds.
As a mascara primer: I honestly didn't see much of a difference with this as a mascara primer and probably because I've been using a new mascara with argan oil in it recently. I do although think that if I was using a different mascara that wasn't argan oil based, I would notice it more as my argan oil based mascara doesn't come off flaky at all like some others do sometimes. Either way, I don't think I'd use it as a mascara primer anyway - too fiddly.
Overall I do love this product! I think it works to do what it says it does because of it's natural ingredients and their properties. I love how little you have to use at one time, meaning this product is pretty long lasting and I feel that also adds to the versatility of the product as you may be using the lip balm for it's multiple uses.
There is only one thing that makes me not so sure on it and it's that it returns to it's harder liquid consistency so quickly. Once it's at it's hardest it becomes difficult to squeeze out of the tube, which for me I find in turn becomes too difficult to use on the go. The product requires the contents to be at a more warmer liquid consistency for use it at it's best and I feel it should already be like that. The tube does say if the product hardens to warm up in hot water for a minute, but I don't want to have to do that every time I want to use it. Yes, you can warm the product in your fingers once you've managed to squeeze it out, but it's a bit more effort than I'd like for me.
At £9.99, for it's uses I think is a good price! A decent lip balm can cost up to £10 in the drug store, but with Lip Glam's multiple uses it becomes more than one product, which adds to it's value. I also like that it's made in the UK, which we all know becomes a little more expensive, but we all love something that was made right where we live.
I think I'll be using Lip Glam until I finish the tube, but I'm not sure on whether I would purchase it again. And the only reason is because I feel it doesn't work for me on the go like I'd like it too. Yes it lasts up to 8 hours, but I'd still like to think I can top up when I need to.
Have you tried Lip Glam before? What are your thoughts on it?
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