This month I've been a busy bee. With Easter, birthdays, visits and house stuff going on, I've been out and about a lot throughout April. I've really been enjoying this month and keeping myself busy and making sure I was happy with how my days were spent, especially after March wasn't so great. It just goes to show that things will be alright no matter how they might seem to begin with.
Over the two days we enjoyed a couple of meals out which was a nice treat for us. On the night we stayed, we went out for dinner to a restaurant where they were running a pub quiz (we should have taken part!) and the next day we visited The Cotswold Farm Park and ate lunch there. I remember getting a bit hangry because we'd not eaten breakfast earlier, so it was a very satisfying lunch! At the Farm Park we went and visited some of the cutest baby farm yard animals too. You can read all about that day here instead of me waffling on about it now!
The day we came back was my brother's birthday and he'd organised a big meal out for our whole family and friends. It'd been a while since we'd eaten out as a family so I was looking forward to it. We had my aunt over from France too and some of our closest friends there so it was a big crowd! I pigged out that night with cheese and all the carbs! It was also really nice to catch up with my bestie Ana, especially since we hadn't seen each other in a while.
The beginning of the month was super relaxing because I was off work for two weeks. I feel like it was a well deserved break and it gave me time to recuperate and relax both physically and mentally. I had such a nice time and was ready to get back to work when the time came. It was a nice feeling to have and I just hope I can recreate that feeling as often as I can after time off because it got me back to work with a positive and motivated attitude!
I ended up going out a couple of times over the next couple of weekends after my two weeks off. The busy bee hadn't stopped yet. I had one event where I got to dress up in my long dress and doll myself up a little bit. I had loads of fun and even enjoyed a few drinks! Rare for little me. I tried white wine properly for the first time and was shocked when I liked it. I'm 28 and I've only just learnt to like a wine of some kind!
Just this weekend gone, I decided to take a trip to Woburn Safari Park! I'd never been before and it was on my bucket list to drive through a safari. It was loads of fun and being so close to those animals was pretty amazing. I got some great photos but I want to save most of them for a post about my day out. Keep an eye out for that one. It was nice to take some great photos of animals and see them properly without the cages and grids between. It was nice knowing they had some amazing spaces to be in too.
Just yesterday I had another fun day with my mum and sister. We went to our Portuguese patisserie to have 'brunch' and then headed to IKEA for a little shop. I took lots of photos of furniture I liked and then I ended up having a shopcident (a shopping accident). I bought a bunch of kitchen ware that I knew we'd need and really liked for our house! I'm thinking of doing a little haul with that one. Would you want to see that?
I'm not quite sure what May is going to bring but I hope it''s as good to me as April was. I'm looking forward to getting some stuff done and completing more house related things. I've just got a never ending to-do list at the moment and I'm just looking forward to ticking some of those things off and feeling like I'm getting somewhere! Busy, busy me.
How was your April? Did you do anything fun this month?
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