It is unbelievably close to Christmas and I'm very excited about this. There has been so much going on and there is so much about Christmas and the winter season that makes me happy. It's a little bit overrun, but today I'd like to think about the things that are making me happy. What is making you happy right now?
Drinking ridiculous amounts of tea. I've got something going on with my voice and throat at the moment so this is super soothing and also extremely warming on those cold winter days!
We've had a snow day! I was soooo happy about this! On the Sunday, I spent a lot of time outside and playing in the snow. It doesn't matter how old you are, you're never too old for snow.
Presents are all bought and ready to be wrapped. This year, I am done a week before Christmas. I'm just hoping some things will pop up in the post over the next couple of days but other than that, I've bought everything! It means I can relax and focus on enjoying the days coming up to Christmas without worrying about a missing gift.
Christmas jumpers. I've worn a Christmas jumper almost everyday for the last week! I've really been enjoying my Christmas jumper collection this year and I have a new addition as of Sunday which I'm going to wear tomorrow! I'm going to try to post it on the blog tomorrow or Wednesday.
Red lipstick. I've rediscovered a love for red lipstick and I've been enjoying a simple eyeliner and red lippy look for the past couple of weeks! Whether it's bright red or a dark red, it's almost always been red. I think it might be my winter look this year.
Lay ins. I briefly mentioned this but I'm happy about getting lay ins for the holidays. I rarely get a lay in, but knowing that they're literally just around the corner is amazing. I can't wait to sleep for more than 6 hours in one go!
Scarves and hats. This month I've really appreciated scarves and hats. Particularly my grey chunky scarf and my grey and teal bobble hat that I'm almost never found without in this cold weather. Today I wore my red tartan scarf and I felt weird, but I'm really enjoying my scarf and hat collection. I just added a beret to it recently too! I can't wait to show off that one here.
Bullet journalling. This month I've really taken to keeping up with my bullet journal! It's been so lovely keeping up with my trackers and writing in it everyday. I'm definitely a full on bullet journaler now and I'm looking forward seeing how December looks when it's done and getting started on setting up January!
It's my birthday in TWO DAYS. This year I'm looking forward to my own birthday simply because I'm not working (which means I get a lay in!), I have plans to go to Winter Wonderland with friends and I feel good about the year to come. Good things are going to happen during my time as a 28 year old. I know it!
Christmas is in SEVEN DAYS! For some people it surprises them at how much I love Christmas, especially when it's so close to being my birthday. I really love Christmas and everything that comes with it. It does overshadow my own birthday but being a December baby has it's pros and cons. But even more so, I get to give everyone their gifts and see if they like them, I get to eat a lot without judgement and I get to enjoy what is a magical time of year.
What things are you happy about this month?
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