So here we are just over half way through Blogmas, which means we're that much closer to Christmas day. Which also means, we're running out of advent chocolate. It's been a pretty full on couple of weeks and I realised that I haven't done a catch-up, non-set-topic post for a really long time. I mean, I usually do my end of the month round up, but never anything that is as if I'm just talking to you and rolling out my thoughts into words. But, that's exactly what I'm doing tonight. I thought I could let you know how I'm doing with Christmas and how I'm finding Blogmas. How does that sound?
In terms of Christmas prep, I think I'm doing okay. But only since yesterday. Yesterday, I went out shopping alone and I made a huge dent in my Christmas shopping list. I was only telling John the other day how much I prefer shopping alone because I really dislike having someone to think about when I'm shopping. I'm always conscious that they may be waiting for me or don't want to be where I am shopping. I also like time to think about my purchases without pressure because if there's any place I'm serious, it's when I'm shopping and I need to stay calm. Cat + pressure + shopping = failure. I honestly find shopping with anyone just too much sometimes. Especially around Christmas.
I bought my family some really nice things this year but as always, I find my mum and dad difficult to buy for. I have no idea what to get my Dad and what I want to get my mum, might not go to plan. We'll have to see. My little brother is proving tricky this year too but that's simply because I can't find him anything that I want to get him. I find boys are always harder anyway. They either don't want anything or have just bought themselves everything they want anyway.
Apart from Christmas shopping, other Christmas prep is going well. Decorations and trees are up. The pick up date for the turkey is set and my mum has stuffed the cupboards with stuffing. Excuse the pun... Haha! I even have all my wrapping paper and bows and things this year ready to go. I think I might need more wrapping paper than I have, but I can always get more from the shop. I just hope I can get the same print if I do need it. The only Christmassy thing I can get a grip on at the moment is Blogmas but with that said, I'm doing much better than any year I may have tried before.
This year, with the huge bloggers block and the lack of blog posts, I really wanted to up my game for December and set myself Blogmas as a challenge. I started setting it all up in early November taking photos and things before hand so it was all ready when needed and I planned every post in advance. It was going all so well until things in general had started to get busy and so Blogmas has been very almost falling behind. If you are following Blogmas this year, you might have noticed that all my posts come live around the 11pm - 12am mark and it's cutting it very fine.
But despite it being so busy, I've always found time to do Blogmas and having my Blogmas stock photos ready meant that I have back up posts in case things like Christmas parties happen and you realise you won't be home to post that day! Alas, this post came along to fill a gap and also because I thought it would be nice to have a catch-up type post. I think I've done well so far, and I intend on keeping things going well right through the month. I think I might have blogged more in the last two weeks than I have in the last two months. I've definitely turned around the bloggers block problem.
Blogmas has bought some post ideas for January too though. I have all these ideas floating around and I need to write them down but I'm just glad that they're there. I genuinely worried that I was losing my love for blogging and even thought about when it might be a good idea to stop doing it once and for all. I'm not going to do that. In fact, I think I rekindled this love for blogging through Blogmas so this challenge has already been a success.
I've been rambling on for a little bit now but I think I'm in a good place if you put aside the fact that my Blogmas posts are up really late and Christmas prep has come to a halt in the gift ideas department. Christmas this year is exciting. There are so many things going on and I'm so glad that over the next week and a bit when things get really crazy, I get to share it with you through my posts.
I've also got my birthday to look forward to next week on Wednesday. I'm hoping to go to Winter Wonderland with some friends and John! It should be lots of fun. I haven't contacted anyone to talk about it yet though. Maybe I should do that tomorrow. Hmmm....
Anyway, I really do hope you're enjoying Blogmas so far. Let me know what you've thought of my posts and if you are enjoying it. I do think this one is a bit of a cop-out down to the fact I had no post tomorrow but I have enjoyed writing it.
Hope your Christmas prep is going well too!
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