2016 was a pretty good year for me. A lot happened to put in the good books but for the world as a whole - not so much. I know 2017 is going to be a great year. There is so much to look forward to already for me and I want to add some goals to make it even more awesome. I'm in a world of motivation at the moment and though it hasn't been for my blog lately, I feel it's all going to change. Watch out world, I'm coming.
IN 2017 I WILL...
This year, I am due to graduate my teacher training and I've been working so hard towards it. I'm aiming high with my grades and I hope all the work I do will have that good grade in the bag. I am going to be working my butt off for it and I will graduate and it will be the best day of the whole year.
If all goes according to plan, I will have graduation in the bag and I will land my first teaching job as an NQT. Of course I'm not blind to the fact that the interview process and applications will be challenging and a scary time for me, I know that already, but this is all I've ever wanted to do with my life. If graduating and getting this job is the only good thing that comes out of 2017, I will be extremely happy. Happier than ever actually.
I said this last year. And the year before. And probably the year before that. But this year, I think I actually mean it! And it's because I've already sorted out my diet and started walking long distances every weekend. With all that in progress, I feel like I'm getting used to a more healthy lifestyle and I hope with all that I can integrate some extra fitness things in there too. I just really need to lose this tummy fat once and for all.
And by care less, I mean care less of insignificant people's opinions, judgements and perceptions. I have spent way too much time in my life caring about what other people think of me, the things that I do and the things that I like and who I really am. I have already started to do this and I have become much happier because of it. I will of course care about what my family and close friends think of me, but I do think my caring needs to go beyond there.
Until I start earning again, I won't be able to do this but I am hoping once I have graduated and have the job, I will be able to start saving once and for all for a house. It's as simple as that really. The first pay check of the year will be a happy, happy day!
I haven't been a very social butterfly recently. I have let my studies take over, but when they're that important, you kind of expect it. But I do need to make sure I am being social to keep a balance and I want to keep being social both online and offline. I want to see my friends more next year and I want to keep my socials online a bit more updated. It's a little goal really, but one I do want to keep an eye on in 2017.
This year I reached my 1k goal by August and with my studies taking up a lot of my time, blogging took a huge back step. Either way, I want to make sure I'm not neglecting my blog this year and carry on reaching some milestones and goals. This year I would like to reach that 1.5k mark and I'm only about 400 away. It's not a super important goal to me and no I know stats shouldn't matter but lets face it, we all look at them, we all care deep down and it doesn't hurt to have a goal and want to reach a wider audience ♥
This year I am buying a Line A Day Journal to keep. I think the next 5 years of my life are going to be pretty significant and I think it'll be a great idea to start writing in a Line A Day Journal to keep track of the most significant and important things that happen that day. I think it's a great way of keeping note of important things and on the less significant days noting down the best or funniest moment of that day. I just love the whole concept and I can't wait to get into the habit of writing in mine every single day.
I'm feeling pretty confident about my 2017 goals. I think they're realistic and achievable and I think they're ones that will make my year pretty great. What are your goals for the coming year? Share them with me in the comments!
Good luck with your goals, it sounds like you've got an exciting year ahead! ♥