If anything, the big three-oh has made me reflect on my twenties and what I've done with them. Looking back, I had an amazing time in the last ten years and I have so many things to be proud of. I met my boyfriend and built an amazing life together, I got my dream job, I bought a car and a house, I adopted my first pet and I started blogging. These are just the main highlights of my twenties but there is so much more that I have done that I can be proud of like all the amazing places I've been to, the amazing friends I have made and all the new things I have learnt about.
With all that said, I do think there's a lot more I could have done. I was looking at my 30 Before 30 blog post the other day and I was a little embarrassed that I didn't tick off more. I still want to visit Wales, reach my body goals and paint something to go up in my house but just because I didn't do them before I was thirty, doesn't mean it's too late and that I'm not going to do them anymore. For example, this year, I'm going to Portugal and I'm visiting Bubba Gump Shrimp with my brother which ticks off two out of the outstanding eighteen from that bucket list. Some of the goals I wrote aren't important to me anymore either but only because I have a clearer idea of what goals I care about the most. And as lovely as it is to try and reach some of these by a deadline, it isn't always possible for various reasons. I also have new things I want to do and I plan on making a new list of things I'd love to do in the next few years. I want it to be an on-going and ever-changing bucket list rather than one I meet by a certain time which I'm really excited about. I think that this new list will inspire me to do more with the next ten years than I could ever imagine!
Reflecting on the last ten years has actually spurred me on to make the most of the ten to come. As well as hearing that turning thirty can be daunting, I've heard that your thirties can be the best years of your life and I have a good feeling mine are going to be just that. I don't have any negative feelings towards turning thirty and I'm so relieved that I feel like this. I didn't know how I was going to feel about it, but I'm glad I've kept a positive mindset towards this new decade of my life.
I know I've been thirty less than a month, but I feel like I have a newfound confidence in myself and what I want from my life. I know what my goals are in my work life, personal life and even my blogging life. I'm motivated to learn more, do more and see more and I'm so excited about it all. It's a strange thought to think that hitting a milestone age has got me thinking so positively and excited about life but I've noticed this about myself and I like it. I'm definitely already more proactive and I've suddenly started to care a lot less about what people think of me and what I do. I feel like I know who I really am now, who I want to be, and I can strive to become her.
I'm asbolutely fine about being thirty and frankly, I don't feel my age. I still feel like a twenty-three-year-old girl who's excited about life, acting like an adult and winging her eyeliner, life and everything else in-between. I know turning thirty isn't the same for everyone though and I'm aware that it is actually daunting for some people. Some people are excited, some people freak out, some people don't feel anything at all. I know that I'm lucky that I feel so positively about it.
I'd love to know how your experiences of turning thirty if you have done already or how you feel about turning thirty if you haven't. Let's start a conversation in the comments or over on my twitter @CatttSays.
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