Without a doubt, today I've had at least five "oh my gosh" moments where I've realised I've forgotten something for Christmas. It's Christmas Eve and one of them has been sending out my Christmas cards to my friends, family and neighbours. Luckily, I can write the few to my neighbours out this evening and post them but for the others, it's not that easy. That's why I'm glad to have this collaboration with Paperless Post to come to my rescue!
Ever since I moved out, I like sending out Christmas cards to my friends and my family. I've got family in the UK, Portugal, France and Germany so getting out family Christmas cards take a little more effort. When I heard about Paperless Post, I decided to text everyone to give me their email addresses so that I could still give them a Christmas card in a slightly different way.
Now, we've all known about e-cards for a long time. I remember sending tons of Yahoo e-cards to everyone but the days of those e-cards seem well and truly gone. I don't know anyone who still uses their Yahoo email address and I don't think I've received an e-card since 2002.
What is Paperless Post?
Paperless Post is an e-paper service where you can send cards and invitations through email using their website. Cards are paid for with coins which you can buy on their website. Most cards cost about 3-5 coins which is round about 20p per card. You can bulk buy the coins so that they're there and ready for when you want to send a card. Paperless Post even have an app so that you can send cards last-minute and on the go! With everything being so digital these days, sending a card or invitation through the internet isn't new but it's somewhat a better way of connecting with others on devices that we're on so often. It's actually eco-friendlier and a great service for those who are always in a rush and sometimes leave it to the last minute like me. The card can be scheduled to be sent or sent right there and then for any last-minuters. The service allows the recipient to respond to receive the card in their email and respond with a message.
The difference with Paperless post is is that though it is an e-card, you still get the magic of a card in a kind of way. It comes in an e-envelope with the card inside and is designed to be as close to a real card as possible - but digital with two sides and everything. There are so many designs to choose from and occasions to send them for like: Christmas, birthdays, new years, thank-yous, graduations... the list goes on. They can be personalised, they can have photographs in and receiving one is quite lovely. I sent one to myself as a test and it's a great experience.
Here are just some of the designs you can get for Christmas/holiday this year:
How do I make a card?
Making a card was ridiculously easy. I decided to use the side bar filters to choose a card that could be edited and one that was Christmassy. Once I'd decided on my card, I clicked customise and I began to edit it. With a lot of Portuguese family, I wanted the card I was sending to be written in Portuguese. The fact that I could do this was perfect because I could send one that everyone could read!The first page looked a little like this. I changed the words on the front from 'Merry Christmas' to 'Feliz Natal'. If I wanted to I could have changed the colours and the font but I didn't because I really liked the colour scheme here. I then decided to change the backdrop to something a little brighter and glittery. Originally it was a plain white background with a couple of gold spots but I liked this green glitter one that made the card really stand out. On the top right hand corner you could see how much the card would cost in coins. This card was currently 5 coins per recipient making it around 20p a card. Pretty cheap if you ask me compared to buying them and sending them via Royal Mail.
On the next screen, I could change the inside of the card. I wrote my card out using the front the way it was. Translated my card reads: I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. Hugs and Kisses, Catarina and John.
The next page was the envelope which you could edit also. You could change the colour, the liner on the inside and make it look however you wanted. I quite liked it the way it was, so I left it!
Last but not least, I edited the front of the card which you could change the stamp and the postmark for. I had fun with this and changed the stamp to something more Christmassy with a postmark from the North Pole. Currently the postmarks either are for Paperless Post or US states but I'd like to see them add some other for different countries or places in different countries so that it can be that little more personal. Adding the different stamp made the cards 6 coins per recipient but I was happy with that as none of my other edits had raised the price of the card.
I absolutely loved the final result of the card and think it's a perfect way to send a Christmas card either last minute or instead of a paper one. It's great for anyone who wants to change it (like me) to be written in a different language, for friends and family that are close or distant, for anyone who might have forgotten to send them or wants to send cards last minute. I think the service is great and one I will continue to use often on special occasions.
Would you use Paperless Post to send last-minute cards?
What are your thoughts on the service?
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