Over the past few months, I've been getting in touch with my creative side and begun to explore and crafting new things. I've already had a go at wood burning, crafting hamster homes with lollypop sticks and I've bought materials to have a go at some sewing too. But one of my favourite things that I have made recently is this pom-pom dream catcher inspired by some amazing crafters that I spotted on Pinterest a few weeks ago.
I've made dream catchers before and really enjoy making them but I wanted to make something that would be a little unique to the traditional dream catcher. I thought these pom-pom dream catchers were just what I was looking for and knew I had to have a go at making one myself.
If you're interested in finding out how I made my dream catcher and might like to have a go at making one yourself then carry on reading.
You will need:
- An embroidery hoop
- Pom-pom makers - two sizes if you can (you can also make ones out of card if you don't have any)
- At least 3 different colours of wool
- Scissors
- Needle and thread
Making the pom-poms and wrapping the hoop
The very first thing I did was choose what colours I wanted to use for this project. I chose very simple monochrome colours so that it would suit both mine and John's aesthetic. I'm planning on making another pastel one and whichever colours you are choosing, I suggest making sure you're happy with them as you'll need to blend some of the colours together to mimic the colours merging in the dream catcher.
I started by making a bunch of pom-poms, out of wool, in the three colours that I chose for this dream catcher. I made about 3 larger pom-poms in each colour and then made 2-3 in mixed wool colours to place in between the solid coloured pom-poms. To make the blended pom-poms, I just wrapped the two colours around the pom-pom maker at the same time to make sure the colour mix was consistent and evenly speckled. My favourite mix was grey and white as I felt they blended the best.
After that, I organised the pom poms in the hoop and decided how many more pom-poms I needed and of which colour. I also made some smaller pom-poms here as I realised some of the gaps were too small to fit another larger pom-pom in.
Once I'd organised the colours and was happy with the placement of my pom-poms within the hoop, I started wrapping the hoop wool according to the colours it would be next to. I wrapped most of the hoop black and white and the top and bottom areas were grey as you will see below.
Attaching the pom-poms to the hoop
When I got to this point I felt a little stuck. I hadn't thought about how I might put the pom-poms on the dream catcher but I came up with the idea of making like a webbing to sew them onto. I don't know how some of the crafters on Pinterest did theirs but this worked well for me. I used a needle and a thick thread to sew a simple zig-zag pattern across the dream catcher so that it would be ready to sew the pom-poms onto.
Sewing the pom-poms to the hoop
I decided to start sewing the pom-poms from top to bottom to ensure that the placement I had aligned with the colours on the edge of the hoop. I really helped me keep to my placement and ensure the pom-poms were in the right place. This was my favourite part of the process because I could see my dream catcher coming together and looking exactly as I planned. That said, I did have to make a couple more pom-poms after as I found a couple of other sudden gaps and I wanted to make sure that the whole hoop was filled with pom-poms!
The hanging decorations
The next and final part was to make the hanging decorations on this dream-catcher. Just like the dream catcher I saw on Pinterest, I wanted to have the hanging decorations match the colours of the pom-poms. I used the wool again to make multiple hanging threads by looping them together on the hoop. I then cut them into a V at the bottom to give it some shape and definition.
To add a little more detail I decided to plait some of the threads together and also made two tassels: a white one and a black and grey one. I also added some of the grey threads along where the white threads were to mimic the speckled blending on the pom-poms. Once I'd added those details, my dream catcher was complete and ready to hang!
My completed pom-pom dream catcher
I've made dream catchers before and it's one of my favourite things to craft. I respect and love the traditional use of dream catchers thus why I have mine above my bed despite not being the traditional design. They hold a special place in my heart and I can't wait for my next dream catcher project.
Please let me know if you like seeing my craft projects and if you'd like to see more in the comments. What colours should my next one be and what else would you like to see me make?
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