It's a week into July and I'm finally getting some time to write this post. At this moment in time, it's 29 degrees on another sunny weekend, England's just made the semi-finals and I'm just over a week away from moving into my first house with the most amazing man by my side. A pretty good start to July all due to good things in June. June has been filled with busy weekends and some life changing moments too. I've kept to myself a lot last month but I'm here now to write up all about it and why actually, despite some rubbish moments, it's been a good month.
With the weather picking up this months, walks with Dodger have been really lovely. Of course we walk Dolly too but she doesn't like long walks in fields like Dodge does, so we take her down the local park instead. It's been lovely to take them both out in dry grass and sunshine instead of squelching swampy grass and gloomy mornings.
My weekends have been filled with very random things too. I've been to the shops almost every weekend either window shopping for homewares. I've been having countless barbecues and enjoying company. It's been really nice to have busy weekends with family and friends and also spending time thinking about furnishing our new house.
We did the thing you do when you get a new house or your moving and take a couple of trips to Ikea! I went twice, once with my mum and once with John. With my mum I ended up buying all the possible utensils I need in the kitchen and with John, we ended up looking for a sofa and other furnishings. Buying a sofa is so important and makes the room. We're looking for something grey, super comfy and that'll be versatile with different accent colours!
This month I also received my first Triyit box. It's a free product discovery service where you have opportunities to try boxes filled with products to try, review and feedback about. I completely forgot to blog about this but I have to say it was a positive experience. I'd definitely recommend applying for it. You're not guaranteed to get all the boxes because it's down to whether you fit the criteria for the target group. It's pretty good and I'm really looking forward to the next box already. Have a peek at what I received in the pre-launch box:
I really loved the beauty products best. I've added the face wash and facial oil into my skincare routine over the last couple of weeks and I love the buzz balm for dry skin. I'm going to see how it gets on with healing scars too as I have one I think it might help go away.
As for the snacks... Not so much my favourites. The flavours weren't for me but that's not to say they're not good. They just didn't appeal to me!
We went on a Pokémon hunt on the way around too. I didn't realise that had gyms and poké stops there so I stocked up on balls, caught some new pokémon and racked up some kilometers for my buddy. We've been playing an awful lot more Pokémon Go recently and it's actually been more fun with the friends and trading features as well as all the updates. I've really been enjoying it.
June marked the month that John and I completed the purchase of our house too! We were so happy when we got the news that the exchange was done and so excited to move in this month in just over a week! We've already bought a bunch of stuff for our house but now we need to get the big stuff sorted like bills, appliances and finally buying our sofa!
This month I'm excited to: move into our new house, celebrate the house with friends and family, decorate, relax and live with my very best friend ♡
What are you looking forward to this July?
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