It came to my attention whilst browsing through some old post ideas that I haven't once updated how I'm getting on with my 2017 goals. This year has been an extremely busy year and I have a lot to celebrate actually. Some big milestones have been reached and yes, I know it's November but I thought instead of waiting for December to start talking about goals, I might as well use this time where I'm stumped for other blog post ideas to update you on how I've been getting on with the goals I set myself in 2017.
So, last year I posted some goals for 2017 that I wanted to try and achieve. At that point I was in the middle of some pretty important stuff and I knew there were goals I'd definitely achieve but there were some other ones too that I didn't know if I could do or not. They're all realistic and no, I haven't got there with all of them but I definitely think I've made a start with the majority of them. You can find my 2017 goals here if you want to check them all out. For now, let me tell you how I've been getting on and which ones I'd like to celebrate with you today!
So far, in 2017 I...
I finally graduated and I don't think I've ever been so happy in my life. This is the biggest and best achievement in my life to date and when I found out I passed and I would be graduating, I cried. I was so so happy. I did it and I realised that the career I wanted since I was about 9 was about to come true. It did not come easy but graduation day was brilliant, I was happy and I finally felt and still feel successful and confident in my ability to be good at something. Along with graduation, some other goals were ticked off. They were kind of linked but this again was something that felt like an achievement on it's own.
Got my first teaching job.
This actually came before graduation! I chased up an amazing teaching job where I trained and got it! I was so, so happy to stay somewhere I knew I'd be happy, challenged and pushed to be an amazing teacher. It meant a lot to me to stay where I trained because I built such a lovely relationship with the team there and I generally felt at home there. Now that I am working there full-time, I feel completely at home and confident I'm in the right place and in the right job doing what I love every day.
Became more social OFFLINE.
This sounds like a weird one, but I'm not a social butterfly at all. Thus, this year, I have spent a lot of time with my boyfriend, best friends and I have made effort to see people and done a lot more than I thought I would. I wish I could say the same for online too, but I've been so busy with other things that I've let my social media channels slip. I'm picking it up again but it's been a bit of a bumpy ride with that over the last few months.
Care Less.
Again, this is a goal that might seem odd to some but I wrote in my 2017 goals that I wanted to care less about insignificant opinions and judgements towards me. I spent a lot of time last year worrying about this sort of thing and slowly but surely I have become someone who doesn't worry about this and doesn't care much for it either. I have a new attitude towards life and people and it's really healthy at the moment so I feel confident to say that I sure do care less about what people think of me and do more for myself and am happier because of it!
As for my other goals... I'll do a full-year update of them in December but for now I wanted to share the things I've achieved and celebrate them with you. I hope you don't mind.
What have you achieved from your 2017 goals so far?
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