My July
Friday, 1 August 2014
Though July has behold a step up in my career, and a motivation to do something with my life it will be my least favourite month of the year, as well as one that has held pretty much all of the most life changing things. Good ones like Eminem at Wembley with friends, getting a new job, and realising how many friends I actually have.
My newest employment has led the month out with a smile on my face, and I can't believe it still if I'm honest. I feel so elated with happiness about it! I can't wait to start my new job, and I'm glad that I'm still moving on within Miss Selfridge, since I know it so well and love it so much.
On top of that, my motivation for blogging, keeping myself fit, and general productivity has sky rocketed. I've bought the Tiny 'TeaTox' to do in the next month, I've been bike riding with John (see post here), and I've started to eat well... Ignore the Starbucks Chocolate Frappacino there. My creativity is back, and I've started drawing again, and now all I need to do is get back onto reading some of the books I've bought for the summer!
This month has also bought friends together, so I've seen a lot of my friends recently. Cinema trips, as well as shopping trips and get togethers have been a nice addition to my usual routine. I don't see my friends often enough, so I've vowed to myself to make more of an effort to see them and enjoy their company. ♥
I definitely think July has given me a step in the right direction, and put my best foot forward - into the motivational and productive road. It feels good actually :)
How has your July been for you?
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